3 Chips On God
1 min readOct 8, 2022


There is a good message in here but it’s a bit simplistic. To keep blaming the person for not succeeding just because you’re assuming they haven’t done the work is wrong. I have seen people who have put in ridiculous amounts of work but they didn’t have the right guidance or environment and eventually swimming against the currents wore them down and burned them out.

I’d say it’s about 70% of one’s hard work and repetition and 15% the right nurturing environment where family and friends are supportive and not cruel about one’s endeavors, and another 15% luck or one’s destiny.

I think that is a more nuanced and realistic view of life and trying to achieve a goal then just blaming everything on the person not trying hard enough. But I do agree with the overall message in this article which is people think they’ve done a lot towards a goal when they probably have not done enough.



3 Chips On God

by Preeti Gupta, age 49, female. Curious, skeptical, open-minded spiritual agnostic. Financial planner by profession, writer by passion.